Lee Robert's Crime Survey

Lee Roberts Crime and Community Safety survey

  • Current Crime
  • Other Issues
  • About you
  • Your details

My priority is making Putney, Roehampton, Southfields and Wandsworth Town safer for residents. 

We want your views on where effort should be focused. It will all help us understand how we can improve things locally and work together to make our community safer.

lee roberts

Parliamentary Spokesman 

1) Extra police officers are being recruited for London. What are the top THREE issues you would like to see them focus on?
2) What measures would you support to cut crime locally?
3) On a scale from 0-10, where 0 is unsafe and 10 is very safe, how safe do you feel when out walking around your neighbourhood?
4) Overall, on a scale of 0-10, where 0 is not satisfied and 10 is very satisfied, how satisfied are you with the service provided by your local police?